
12/2023 Workshop Computational Tools for Single-Cell Omics (45’) – Brown University. Title: "A theory of trajectory inference for scRNA-seq and lineage tracing data."

10/2023 Mathbio seminar (45’) – UBC - Vancouver. Title: "Trajectory inference for a branching SDE model of cell differentiation".

09/2023 Séminaire équipe COMPO (45’) – Virtual. Title: "Single-cell data analysis using stochastic processes".

05/2023 Mathematical Cell Biology Symposium (20’) – UBC - Vancouver. Title: "Analysis of multiomics datasets using optimal transport".

07/2022 Bioinformatic seminar (45’) – ENS - Lyon. Title: "Inference of gene regulatory networks using metastability and temporal dynamics".

02/2022 Modeling seminar (45’) – UCBL - Lyon. Title: "Analysis of a PDMP model of cell differentiation".

12/2021: Séminaire des doctorants - UCBL. Title: "Large deviations for stochastic hybrid processes and application".

12/2021: NETBIOS research group - Virtual. Title: "Inferring gene regulatory networks in case of transcriptional bursting".

12/2021: MAMOVI research group - Paris. Title: "Inference of gene regulatory networks using metastability and temporal dynamics".

09/2021: ANR Singlestatomics - Virtual. Title: "Inference of gene regulatory networks using metastability and temporal dynamics".

06/2021: Probabilistic group of Université de Lorraine – Virtual. Title: "Reduction of a PDMP model of gene expression using Large deviations theory".

05/2021: Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (SMAI) congress - Montpellier. Poster: "Reduction of a PDMP model of gene expression using Large deviations theory".

12/2020: SinCellMod-2020 – Virtual. Title: "Reduction of a mechanistic model of gene expression on a discrete Markov chain on cellular types".

02/2020: Winter school CIRM (PDEs and probability for biology) – Marseille. Poster: "Reduction of a mechanistic model of gene expression on a discrete Markov chain on cellular types".

10/2019: INRIA-Bio Workshop – Lyon. Title: "Landscape approximation of a mechanistic model of gene expression".